中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)是中国特有鲟类,由于人为因素影响处于濒临灭绝状态。国际自然保护联盟红色名录(IUCN Red List)在2010年收录其为极危物种。本文介绍了中华鲟的资源现状、物种特性以及游泳能力的研究进展。该物种保护措施主要包括人工繁殖、增殖放流和保护区建设。回顾了中华鲟的人工繁殖在近30年取得的成果以及全人工繁殖过程的困难;概述了中国在中华鲟增殖放流中所做的工作,中华鲟的标记回捕的困难使增殖放流效果短期难以评价;探讨了保护区建设对于保护中华鲟的重大意义。通过对中华鲟现阶段研究的综述,以期为后续中华鲟的研究提供参考。
Acipenser sinensis is a endemic sturgeon in China due to human factors that are on the verge of extinction. The IUCN Red List was listed as a critically endangered species in 2010. This article describes the current status of Chinese sturgeon resources, species characteristics and swimming capacity of the research progress. The species protection measures mainly include artificial breeding, multiplication and discharge and the construction of protected areas. The achievements made in artificial breeding of Chinese sturgeon in the past 30 years and the difficulties in the whole artificial breeding process are reviewed. The work done by China in the propagation and excretion of Chinese sturgeon is summarized. The difficulty of arresting the sturgeon Evaluation; discusses the construction of protected areas for the protection of Chinese sturgeon great significance. Through the review of the current research on Chinese sturgeon, with a view to provide a reference for the follow-up Chinese sturgeon research.