声带息肉和/或小结是喉科临床上很常见的炎性赘生物,系由声带粘膜下 Reinke 间隙疏松组织的局限性水肿所形成,多出现于单或双侧声带的前、中1/3交界处或其中段游离缘处。大多与长期慢性喉炎、烟酒刺激、过度用声或用声不当等因素有关,故多发生于职业用嗓者,因有不同程度声嘶而严重妨碍患者的工作和生活。过去治疗多采用在表面麻醉或局麻下,用间接或直接喉镜切除,因仅凭术者肉眼观察手术,故操作困难、不易彻底,且部分患者常不能耐受其痛苦,以致效果较差,个别手术失败。
Vocal cord polyps and / or small bowel is clinically common inflammatory neoplasms, is caused by localized edema of volar submucosal Reinke interstitial loose tissue, mostly in the front or middle 1/3 of the unilateral or bilateral vocal cords Junction or middle of the free edge. Mostly with chronic chronic laryngitis, alcohol and tobacco stimulation, excessive use of sound or improper use of sound and other factors, it is often occurred in occupational use throat, due to varying degrees of hoarseness seriously hampered the patient’s work and life. Over the past treatment of surface anesthesia or use under local anesthesia, with indirect or direct laryngoscope resection, because the naked eye surgery alone, it is difficult to operate, not easy to complete, and some patients often can not tolerate its pain, resulting in less effective Individual surgery failed.