Asian Development Bank proposed a standard of spending 4 US dollars per person per day, the equivalent of spending 25 yuan belongs to the middle class, and if so, people holding dibao also belong to the middle class. Others have proposed 10 U.S. dollars at 60 yuan a day, and migrant workers now earn more than 60 U.S. dollars a day. These standards are too low for China but may be too high for some lower-income developing countries “China’s New Era”: Since the 1980s, you have been involved in four large-scale resident income surveys, surveys Li Shi: I entered the Institute of Economic Research of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences at the end of 1984 and started to participate in the Chinese Income Distribution Task Force under the leadership of Zhao Renwei from 1987 onwards. This is an issue of international cooperation. Its main feature is the collection of household survey data to analyze the income gap in China and its causes. In 2005 I transferred to Beijing Normal University