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和大多数其他部门的知识不同,历史研究对其本身而言就成为问题,而且一再地弄得不能不重新考虑它本身的性质和各种假定。所有这些虽然一直经过许多历史学者和哲学家反复的探讨,并不断改变提问的方式,都没有获得确定的解决。有人认为这种情况是由于历史研究现在还没有成熟,有时我们又听到人说,历史以及社会科学仍然有待于发现它们各自的哥白尼、伽利略或牛顿。正是这种幻觉渗透在巴克尔本来很有才华的著作中,同时似乎也就构成了今日许多史学家思想的基础,他们幻想要实现史学的革新,必须把它跟社会科学或(采用流行的名词)行为科学结合超来。还有许多人心灵上受 Unlike knowledge in most other sectors, historical research has become a problem for itself and has repeatedly made it impossible to reconsider its own nature and assumptions. All of this has not been definitively resolved, though many historians and philosophers have been repeatedly discussing and constantly changing the way in which questions are asked. Some people think this is due to historical research is not yet mature, and sometimes we hear people say that history and social science still need to find their own Copernicus, Galileo or Newton. It is this illusion that infiltrated in Barker’s original talented writings and at the same time seems to have formed the basis of many historians today’s fantasy. They fantasize the need to reform historiography by linking it with social science or Noun) behavioral science combined with super. There are many people who suffer in their hearts
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