With the development of endoscopy, early detection rate of duodenal papillary tumors has increased. Close follow-up monitoring of benign tumors is not suitable for China’s national conditions, surgery and serious complications due to the high incidence and mortality not worth the candle. Endoscopic duodenal papilla resection due to its minimally invasive, safety gradually accepted, but the treatment strategy is still controversial. Tumor biopsy should be performed preoperatively to obtain preliminary pathological diagnosis. For highly suspected cancer lesions, endoscopic ultrasonography was performed to evaluate the infiltration depth and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for pancreaticobiliary invasion. Guide treatment options. Endoscopic papillary tumor resection standard procedure is controversial, but the recommended placement of pancreatic duct stent and indometacin suppository to reduce the risk of postoperative pancreatitis. Patients after treatment are required to carry out regular endoscopic follow-up to observe whether the tumor residual and recurrence. Recommendations combined with clinical data, surgeon capacity, balance complications and disease risk, choose individualized treatment.