Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Flow Resistance in Improved Latticework Cooling Channels

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csmeteor135
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Characteristics of heat transfer and flow resistance of the latticework (vortex) cooling channel with ribs truncated at their two ends were theoretically and experimentally studied compared with regular and smooth channels of the same configuration. The results showed: the heat transfer efficiency of the latticework channel with two slots was better than those of regular and smooth channels of the same configuration, its flow resistance situation in the slotted channel becomes quite complex; The flow resistances of 2 mm- and 4 mm-slotted channels were obviously lower than that of the regular channel, but they are still much higher than that of the smooth channel; Compared with the regular channel, the total heat transfer efficiencies of the slotted channels were pretty improved, among them the 4-mm slotted channel has the biggest enhancement. From the experimental results, it is obvious that the latticework channel with proper slots has a great prospect in the design of the inner cooling channels of turbine blades. Characteristics of heat transfer and flow resistance of the latticework (vortex) cooling channel with ribs truncated at their two ends were theoretically and experimentally studied compared with regular and smooth channels of the same configuration. The results showed: the heat transfer efficiency of the latticework channel with two slots was better than those of regular and smooth channels of the same configuration, its flow resistance situation in the slotted channel becomes quite complex; The flow resistances of 2 mm- and 4 mm-slotted channels were obviously lower than that of the regular channel, but they are still much higher than that of the smooth channel; compared with the regular channel, the total heat transfer efficiencies of the slotted channels were pretty improved, among them the 4-mm slotted channel has the greatest enhancement. results, it is obvious that the latticework channel with proper slots has a great prospect in the design of the inner cooli ng channels of turbine blades.
小时候,我喜欢做饭,因为可以边做饭边读书,有时看得入迷,常常忘了添柴,柴烧完了,饭还没有熟。母亲干活回来,看到锅里半熟的饭,问为什么还没有做熟,我说柴不够,母亲问完我用的柴量后,苦笑着说:“你一定是没有及时加柴,火快灭了再加,火力供不上,饭怎么能熟呢?耗费柴草不说,还可能做夹生了,就再也不易做熟了。”我羞愧地低头不语,知道母亲说得对。  后来当了老师,在教学生时,常常想起母亲的这句话:“及时加柴,