试验选用4龄雌雄亲鱼各160尾,采用1∶1比例进行组群,每池20组,共8池,设置人工产床, 自然产卵,适时取卵,室内静水孵化,及时开口培育,适时利用配合饲料进行驯化,共获卵50837粒,受精率 43. 4%,孵出仔鱼12481尾,孵化率56. 6%,培育出鱼种6061尾,苗种培育成活率48. 6%。
In the experiment, 160 female 4-year-old male and female broilers were selected. Each group consisted of 1: 1 ratio, with 8 pools in each pool. A total of 8 pools were set up. Artificial birth beds were set up for natural spawning. Acclimation using compound feed, a total of 50837 eggs, fertilization rate of 43. 4%, 12481 hatched larvae hatch rate of 56. 6%, breed fish 6061, seed breeding survival rate of 48. 6%.