本报告选取广东、北京、上海、浙江、四川、江苏、湖北、辽宁、重庆、山东、天津等11个省市为数据统计分析对象.11个省市2007年票房合计206734万元.占全国城市院线电影市场票房的74.15%;观众人次7650万,占总观众人次67.11%;放映场次为2716千场,占总场次的69.55%。北京、上海、重庆、天津电影市场状况在第三章已经做了描述.在本章不再分析。另外7省区电影市场数据统计是以城市院线市场各指标数为基准进行分析的。4.1.1 部分省市城市院线票房及市场份额
This report selects 11 provinces and cities such as Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Hubei, Liaoning, Chongqing, Shandong and Tianjin for the statistical analysis of data. The total number of box office receipts in 2007 was 2067.34 million yuan 74.15% of the cinemas in the cinema market; 76.5 million viewers, 67.11% of the total audience; 2716,000 games were played, accounting for 69.55% of the total. The market conditions for Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Tianjin cinema have been described in Chapter 3. No further analysis is given in this chapter. In addition, the statistical data of seven provinces and cities in the movie market are based on the indexes of the city’s cinema market. 4.1.1 Some provinces and cities in the city cinema box office and market share