提出全球气候变化与世界社会经济动荡等变化环境下流域可持续发展的科学内涵、制约因素以及解决途径。以自然与社会协同进化的复杂系统作为变化环境下流域概念的抽象表征,以科研能力与管理能力作为流域可持续发展的重要影响因素,以流域管理中科学研究与管理实践的相互作用机理为出发点,分析当前流域管理中科学研究与管理实践的种种错位,提出适应变化环境的流域管理知识创新机制,为提高流域科研水平、充分发挥科学在流域可持续发展中的作用提供理论支撑。“,”Technological innovations and social change have consistently had consequences for river environmental systems since the 19 th century.The river basin is no longer regarded as a natural object and should be conceptualized as a coupled co-evolutionary socio-ecological system.The increasing uncertainties due to climate change and fast changing socio-economic conditions further add challenges on future river basin management.Therefore,a systemic innovation in knowledge in the river basin management is required to adapt to this changing environment.A knowledge co-production system based on social learning is proposed for realizing the systemic innovation,preceded by the identification of mismatches between the current science and management.This knowledge co-production system provides an innovative idea to improve the application of scientific achievement in river basin management and is also useful for framing the scientific research closely related to the management practices.