1.选用什么品种好? 地膜覆盖旱种水稻,要选用当地矮秆、抗旱、抗病抗倒伏的高产品种。直播的,必须是当地的早熟种;育苗移栽的,应是当地的中熟种。如在沈阳地区,直播可用“早丰”,移栽可用“秋光”或“74—134”品系;辽南地区直播可用“69—2”或“中丹1号”,移栽可用“中丹2号”;辽北地区直播可用“公交13号”,移栽可用“早丰”。 2.什么时候播种或移栽?
1. What kind of good selection? Dry mulching film mulching, to use the local dwarf, drought, disease-resistant lodging of high-yield varieties. Live broadcast, must be the local precocious species; transplanting seedlings, should be the local medium-cooked species. For example, in Shenyang, “ZF” can be used for direct seeding, and “QiuGuang” or “74-134” can be transplanted. In southern Liaoning, “69-2” or “Zhongdan 1” 2 “; available live in northern Liaoning” bus No. 13 “, transplanting available” ZF ". 2. When sowing or transplanting?