字典里最重要的三个词,就是意志、工作、等待。我将要在这三块基石上建立我成功的金字塔。 (法)路易·巴斯德本文的主人公徐接福可不如他的名字所昭示的那样幸运。恰恰相反,在他人生的旅途上,常常是沟沟坎坎山重水复。 1973年,他高中毕业。走出校园,天高地阔,敢问路在何方?那年月,国运多蹇,民生凋敝。谁还谈什么理想、抱负?也无所谓事业、前途。二十岁的他正值多梦时节,心中却一片茫然。只有一种选择:子承父业,当木匠。他跟随父亲披星戴月走四方。那时的木匠没多少活计,无非是为东家修几条板凳,替西村装几
The three most important words in the dictionary are will, work, and wait. I will build my successful pyramid on these three foundations. (Act) Louis Pasteur The protagonist of this article, Xu Jiefu, is not as fortunate as his name suggests. On the contrary, in the journey of his life, it is often ditches of the Kankan Mountains. In 1973, he graduated from high school. Out of the campus, heaven and earth wide, dare to ask where the road? That year, the country shipped more than one, people’s livelihood depressed. Who also talk about what ideal, ambition? Also does not matter career, the future. Twenty-year-old he is more than a dream season, but the mind was a loss. There is only one choice: inherit the father, when the carpenter. He followed his father’s star to go all around. At that time the carpenter did not much live, nothing more than for the owner to repair a few benches, for a few West Village installed