Ⅲ.竹亚科各属的考订(续) A.竹类之部(续) 31.德卡竹属 Decaryochloa A. Camus, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 93:242. 1946.——本属自发表以来迄今只知有1种:D. diadelpha A. Camus, 1. c. 244.是即属的模式种。原产于非洲马达加斯加岛,模式标本采自该岛Domaine的东部和中部,Decary 18405号,现藏法国巴黎自然历史博物馆植物标本室。本属竹类的性状与特征,还有待查考原著作,其模式种名有“二体雄蕊”的命名。
Ⅲ.Analyses of all genera of bamboo subfamily (Continued) A. Department of bamboo (continued) 31. Decaryochloa A. Camus, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 93: 242. 1946. To date, only one species has been known since its publication: D. diadelpha A. Camus, 1. c. Native to Madagascar, Africa, the specimen was collected from the eastern and central parts of Domaine on the island, Decary 18405, present at the herbarium of the Natural History Museum in Paris, France. This belongs to the traits and characteristics of bamboo, but also to be found in the original book, the model name is “two body stamens” name.