In the transformation leap of Shanxi, from the past single emphasis on the coal economy has expanded to many emerging industries such as tourism, logistics, real estate, high technology, especially in the Internet industry, Li Yanhong of Baidu, Hao Hongfeng of Jiuxian Network, Jia Yueting of LeTV. , Where the customer’s aging, Wang Junlong world trading network, etc. are quite Jianshi mentioned Shanxi Merchants, perhaps the first word in many people’s minds is “Qiao Grand Courtyard ”. Shanxi merchants in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and 500 years have made Shanxi merchants one of China’s most famous business partners. From the famous salt industry and ticket number to the blossoming of today, the Shanxi merchant culture has a long history. Many Shanxiers harbor the wish to rejuvenate Shanxi businessmen