在农业生产上,有经验的人很重视作物的混种、间作和套种;在绿化造林时,也非常注意对树种的选择和搭配。 这是为什么呢?原来,植物在生长发育过程中,对邻居的选择十分讲究,要求特别严格。有的和睦相处,情投意合,成为“莫逆之交”;有的互助互利,相依为命,有的则是冤家对头,势不两立,互相“残杀”,不是一方被害,就是两败俱伤。当然,也有的相互之间没有好恶之感,不发生利害冲突,各自能健康、正常的生长。人们常常把这些有趣的科学现象称之谓植物的相生相克。
In agricultural production, experienced people attach great importance to crop intercropping, intercropping and interplanting. In afforestation, they also pay great attention to the selection and collocation of tree species. Why is this? It turned out that plants in the process of growth and development, the choice of neighbors are very particular about the requirements are particularly strict. Some live in harmony and fall in love with each other and become “friends of the opposite sex.” Some are mutually beneficial and mutually dependent, while others are antagonistic and irreconcilable. They are not “killing” each other. Of course, there are no mutual feelings of evil, no conflict of interest, and each can grow healthily and normally. People often refer to these interesting scientific phenomena as the relatives of plants.