【摘 要】
Daddy和Mummy决定国庆节假期里带Peppa和George去国外旅行,他们建议两个孩子提早做好旅行攻略。George开心得一蹦三尺高:“Oh, I’m so exciting!” Peppa:George,你激动得单词都用错啦!Exciting和excited都是形容词,都表示激动、兴奋的意思,但表示的对象不同。Exciting表示某事物令人兴奋的,而excited的对象是人。所以你应该说
北京是中华人民共和国(The People’s Republic of China)的首都,是全国政治中心、文化中心和国际交往中心。 北京历史悠久,文化燦烂,是四大古都之一,被列入首批国家历史文化名城,也是全球拥有世界文化遗产最多的城市。北京不仅有着古老帝都的雄伟庄严、厚重沧桑,还有着现代大都市的时尚繁华、高速便捷,它的丰富多元,总让人乐而忘返。 Beijing is a big city a
China is a country with the virtue(美德) of respecting the old. We have a special festival called Double Ninth Festival(重陽节). It’s a festival for caring for(关爱) the old people. I respect the old, too.
China is my motherland. It lies in the east of Asia. As we all know, Beijing is the capital of China. China’s population(人口) is more than 1.4 billion(十億). The population in the east is more than that
同學们,你养宠物吗?你的宠物是什么?你会喂它吃什么东西?巫婆Winnie养了一只宠物猫,并给它喂各种不同的食物,结果猫猫来了个大变样。让我们一起来读读这个故事吧! Winnie was a witch,a very funny witch. She wanted a very special cat. On Monday,she went shopping. She bought a blac
Can you put the words into the correct groups? bear cat cow crocodile(鱷鱼) dog flamingo(火烈鸟) hamster(仓鼠) hen lamb lion turkey
What color is the wind,Daddy? Is it yellow,red or blue? When he’s playing with my hair, Daddy, Does he do the same to you? I know that grass is green,Daddy. I’ve touched it with my toes. And the
《义勇军进行曲》是一首极富创造性的歌曲,作曲家聂耳以巨大的激情投入此歌的创作。首先,他成功地把田汉散文诗般的歌词,按照音乐的规律,处理得生动、有力,又颇为口语化;在旋律创作上,他既吸收了国际上革命歌曲的优秀成果和西欧进行曲的风格特点,又使之具有浓郁的中华民族特色,从而使此歌能为大众所掌握,发挥其鼓舞民众的作用。 起来!不愿做奴隶的人们! Arise! All those who don’t w
In the winter of 1948, Captain Gu Zidi and the Ninth Company(连) were dispatched(奉命) to the old mine(窑场) on the south bank of the Wen River to intercept(拦截) the enemy’s 254th Division(师). They must fig