美国亚利桑那州内华达山脉的东部有一条长达208千米,宽约为8-18千米的山谷,山谷呈南北走向,当地人称之为“死谷”。1849年,一群寻找金矿的美国人误入“死谷”,他们发现这里的石头竟像动物一样,能够移动并留下许多痕迹, 这引起了许多人的注目和好奇。美国科学家夏普对这一奇特现象进行了长期的观察和研究。他把25块石头按顺序排列并逐个标出位置,定期进行测量,结果发现,这些石头几乎全部改变了原先的位置。有几块石头竟然爬了几段山坡,“行走”了长达64米的路程。
In the eastern part of the Sierra Nevada, Arizona, there is a 208-kilometer valley with a width of 8-18 kilometers. The valley runs north-south and locals call it Death Valley. In 1849, a group of Americans looking for gold mine strayed into Valley of the Dead. They found that the stone here was like an animal, able to move and leave many traces, which caught many people's attention and curiosity. American scientist Sharp conducted a long-term observation and research on this peculiar phenomenon. He placed 25 stones in order and plotted them one after the other, doing regular measurements, finding that almost all of the stones changed their original position. There are several stones climbed several paragraphs hillside, “walking” up to 64 meters away.