笔者采用修改后的WHO/AIDS KABP问卷,以匿名集中自填问卷方式,对珠江三角洲港口往返港澳的444名货轮船员和55名客轮船员进行了有关艾滋病的知识、态度、信念、行为调查,结果表明:大部分船员对艾滋病的病因和三大传播途径有正确的认识,但对一些高危行为认识不足,对非传播途径存在很多误解,有近一半船员认为蚊叮虫咬和接吻会传播艾滋病,有9%的船员认为跳舞和握手会传播艾滋病,有15.6%的货轮船员和11.1%的客轮船员认为一个看上去健康的人不会传播艾滋病。在有婚外性经历的船员中有60.2%的货轮船员和75.5%的客轮船员曾使用过避孕套,其中有40%的船员不相信避孕套有保护作用。调查中有14.8%的船员自述有多个性伴侣,而且有4.4%的船员在境外有过性行为,有2.2%的货轮船员有静脉吸毒史,有60%的多性伴者分布在25~40岁年龄段,他们中不怕得艾滋病的人比例较大,在没有避孕套的情况下,多性伴侣者更倾向于同临时性伴侣发生性行为,调查也显示艾滋病知识多者的艾滋病高危行为较少,采取保护措施的比例亦更高。货轮船员有关艾滋病的知识水平明显低于客轮船员(P<0.01),而且货轮船员中30~39年龄组和业务员的多性伴现象显著,提示对中青年货轮船员尤其是业务员有必要进行预防教育,调查也显示有半数船员认为中国医疗保健工作者在防止艾滋病在中国传播方面所做的工作不够,并有九成多船员认为有必要成立这方面的大众咨询机构。
Using the revised WHO/AIDS KABP questionnaire, the author conducted anonymous, self-administered questionnaire surveys on AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of 444 cargo ship crews and 55 passenger crew members who traveled from Hong Kong and Macao to and from the Pearl River Delta port. It shows that most of the crew members have a correct understanding of the cause of AIDS and the three major transmission routes, but lack awareness of some high-risk behaviors and there are many misunderstandings about non-transmission routes. Nearly half of the crew think that mosquito bites and kissing can spread AIDS. 9% of the crew believe that dancing and shaking hands will spread AIDS, and 15.6% of cargo ship crews and 11.1% of passengers think that a healthy person will not spread AIDS. Among the crew members with extramarital sexual experiences, 60.2% of the cargo crew and 75.5% of the crew members used condoms, and 40% of the crew members did not believe that condoms had protective effects. In the survey, 14.8% of the crew members reported that they had multiple sexual partners, and 4.4% of the crew members had had sex overseas, 2.2% had a history of intravenous drug use, and 60% had more than 20% of their sexual partners. At the age of majority, there is a large proportion of those who are not afraid of AIDS. In the absence of condoms, multiple sex partners are more likely to have sex with temporary sex partners. The survey also shows that AIDS risk behaviors are higher among those with more AIDS knowledge. Less, the proportion of protective measures is also higher. The knowledge level of AIDS related to cargo ship crews was significantly lower than that of passenger ships (P<0.01), and the multiple sexual partners of 30 to 39 age groups and sales staff of cargo ship crews were significant, suggesting that it is necessary for young and middle-aged cargo ship crews, especially salesmen, to conduct Prevention education, the survey also showed that half of the crew believe that Chinese health care workers did not do enough work to prevent the spread of AIDS in China. More than 90% of the crew believe it is necessary to set up public consultation agencies in this area.