土壤墒情评价是作物科学灌溉的基础。本文基于广东甘蔗主产区雷州半岛近10年的气象资料,采用FAO推荐的作物系数法估算了甘蔗需水量(ETc)及其变化规律。结果表明,甘蔗全年需水量为968.32mm;不同生育期需水量不同,以伸长期需水量和日吸水强度最大,分别为581.13 mm和4.47 mm/d;生长前期和后期需水量较小,而生长中期需水量较大,月需水量顶峰出现在7月份,达149.8 mm。确定了甘蔗不同生育阶段适宜的土壤含水率和土层湿润深度,结合甘蔗主产区典型土壤质地类型,初步建立了不同质地土壤相对应的墒情评价指标体系。田间试验表明,该指标体系科学合理,可作为粤西蔗区土壤墒情监测评价及农田水分精准管理的依据。
Soil moisture assessment is the basis of crop science irrigation. Based on the meteorological data of the past ten years in Leizhou Peninsula, the main sugarcane producing area of Guangdong, this paper estimated the water requirement (ETc) and its variation of sugarcane by the method of crop coefficient recommended by FAO. The results showed that the annual water requirement of sugarcane was 968.32mm, the water requirement of different growth stages was different, and the water requirement and daily water absorption intensity were 581.13 mm and 4.47 mm / d respectively, while the water requirement of the early and late growth stages was small. In the middle of growing season, the water demand was larger, and the peak of monthly water demand appeared in July, reaching 149.8 mm. The suitable soil moisture content and depth of soil moisture at different growth stages of sugarcane were determined. According to the typical soil texture types in the main producing areas of sugarcane, the corresponding soil moisture evaluation index system was established. Field experiments show that the index system is scientific and reasonable, which can be used as the basis for soil moisture monitoring and evaluation and farmland moisture management in sugarcane fields in western Guangdong.