The success or failure factors of tympanic membrane perforation repair can be divided into mastoid factors and mastoid factors. Infection is the primary cause of failure, which can be caused by hidden lesions or external contamination of the mastoid. Failure factors of non-mastoid body weakness, technical errors and the most important eustachian tube dysfunction; mastoid factors include mastoid gasification and the existence of inflammation. The role of mastoid in perforation of the tympanic membrane is controversial. In this paper, 48 cases of tympanoplasty at the same time simple mastoidctomy results are discussed. Schüller plain radiography was performed before and after surgery. CT scan was performed in 8 patients after surgery. The results were as follows: The laparotomy on the contralateral gastrocnemius was successful with poor contralateral papilloma, and 71% failed to bilateral minor papilla, Big mastoid success rate higher; mastoid non-inflammatory group than inflammation