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本文写于中央工艺美术学院建院三十五周年之际,既是对工艺美院发展历程的回顾,也是一篇站在时代发展的宏观角度系统审视建国以来我国工艺美术事业从传统手工艺教育为主体向现代艺术设计教育转变历程的文章,其中涉及我国工艺美术教育事业主要开拓者以及形成工艺美院“装饰风”的奠基人的治学经历和教育主张,总结了中央工艺美院自1956年建院以来的教育成就和改革历程,进而概括出“工艺美院风格”的四大特征。正如作者在附记中所言:“为研究这一中央选题做了材料和史实的铺垫,谈及风格是为了未来”是选题的意义所在。对于正在建设中的中央工艺美术学院乃至正在经历从工艺美术向现代设计历史转型的中国现代设计教育事业来说,这一指向未来的研究视野无疑具有重大的理论和现实意义。 This article is written on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Central Academy of Arts and Design, which is both a review of the development process of the Academy of Fine Arts and a macro view of the development of the times. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our arts and crafts career has been dominated by traditional handicrafts The article, which deals with the transformation of modern art design education, involves the pioneers of arts and crafts education in China as well as the political experience and education proposition of the founder who formed the arts and crafts institute “Decoration Wind” and summarized the achievements made by the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts since 1956 Since the establishment of the hospital education achievements and reform process, and then summed up “Arts and Crafts Institute style ” of the four characteristics. As the author states in his memoir: “The material and the historical facts are laid for the study of this central theme, the style is for the future ” is the significance of the topic. This research field pointing to the future undoubtedly has great theoretical and practical significance to the Central Academy of Arts and Design which is under construction and even to the Chinese modern design education undertaking which is transforming from arts and crafts to the modern design history.
【正】 协调是高校办公室的重要职能之一。所谓协调,就是根据办公室的地位、作用和领导的授权,加强与上级领导机关、同级各部门和基层单位的密切联系,沟通上下,协调左右,紧紧