数学认知结构是指学生在数学学习中对数学概念的网络化联系、数学命题之间的关系、数学技能的操作系统以及数学思想、方法加以个人组织和构建的头脑中的数学知识结构 .许多重点中学的数学教师会遇到同样的问题 :同样勤奋 ,同样拥有升入重点大学迫切愿望的高中生 ,为什么数学学?
The cognitive structure of mathematics refers to the mathematics knowledge structure in the mind of students who personally organize and construct the mathematical connection of mathematical concepts, the relationship between mathematical propositions, the operating system of mathematical skills, and mathematical ideas and methods in mathematics learning. The mathematics teachers in the key middle schools will face the same problem: the same diligent, high school students who also have the urgent desire to rise to key universities, and why mathematics?