AD-258 867大讯号行波管的理论和实验研究H.K.Detweiler 等Electron Tube Lab.,U.of Michigan1961年4月季度进展报告第3号(已解除保密),共33页。本文对于小讯号和大讯号2种条件下的行波放大管的相对论分析作了研究。对于主要的分析结果(小讯号增在相对论电子速度时减
AD-258 867 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Traveling Wave Tube with Large Signal H.K.Detweiler et al. Electron Tube Lab., U. of Michigan Quarterly Report Quarter April 1961 No. 3 (Disclosed), 33 pages in total. In this paper, we study the relativistic analysis of the traveling-wave amplifier tube under the two conditions of small signal and large signal. For the main result of the analysis (small signal increase in relativistic electron speed minus