百载杏坛传教泽 满园桃李沐春风——写在广东省惠州市第一小学百年校庆前夕

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这是一所历经百年风云,百年沧桑,接受时代洗札的既古老而又年轻的百年新校; 这是一所寄托了无数港澳同胞、海外侨胞以及社会各界人士倾注的心血和汗水的百年新校。 走近惠州市第一小学,你会看到师者,诲人不倦,为民立极;学者,锲而不舍,立志报国。翻开惠州市第一小学的日历,她的前身是惠州府学堂,是清朝末期惠州知府沈传仪于1903年4月创建的,原校址在惠州府署右侧,后经几易其名和几易地址,于1950年12月改名惠州市第一小学。1999年3月迁址至令所在地惠州市开发区江北江畔花园,新学校旁边是一条浩浩荡荡奔流不息的东江大河,河岸是正在开发建设的滨江公园,近邻为惠州市首脑机关行政中心,还有广阔的体育公园与正在兴建的一流体育馆和校友杨钊先生兴建的国家示范小区——“城市花园”遥相呼应。 This is a century-old new and old school that has experienced centuries-old and vicissitudes of life and has been accepted by the world. It is a century-old new and old one that has placed countless compatriots in Hong Kong and Maucao, overseas Chinese and all walks of life in the community school. Approaching the first primary school in Huizhou City, you will see the teacher, indefatigable education, for the people stand; scholars, perseverance, determined to serve the country. Huizhou opened the first primary school calendar, her predecessor was Huizhou House School, is the end of the Qing Dynasty Huizhou prefect Shen Chuan-yi in 1903 April to create the original site in the Huizhou government department on the right, after a few easy name and a few easy Address, in December 1950 renamed Huizhou City, the first primary school. March 1999 relocated to the seat of Huizhou City Development Zone, Jiangbei Riverside Garden, next to the new school is a mighty endless stream of the East River, Riverside is under development and construction of Binjiang Park, the nearest neighbor of Huizhou City Administration Center , As well as a vast sports park echoing the “National Garden”, a national demonstration district built by Mr. Yang Zhao, a first-class gymnasium and alumna being built.
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氰烯菌酯(2-氰基-3-氨基-3-苯基丙烯酸乙酯,试验号:JS399-19)是由国家南方农药创制中心江苏基地最新合成的一种对镰孢菌具有较高活性的化合物,特别是对禾谷镰孢菌(Fusarium grami
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