Q弹爽滑 味蕾裂炸

来源 :现代营销(创富信息版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ckforme
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现在各行各业都被先行的“前辈”们占领瓜分了。你一个后来者没有资源、没有人脉、没有客户、没有市场,起步晚已经是劣势了,即使再努力也只是捡些残羹冷炙,哪里还有你的活路?如果要寻找创业的切入点,最明智之举就是创造新趋势新规则。微信干败手机不就是个最明显的例子吗?你的优势高不可攀,没事的,我换个玩法换个规则,在一个全新的领域内瞬间就和你平起平坐。 Now all walks of life have been dominated by the “predecessors” who have gone ahead. Your latecomers have no resources, no connections, no customers, no markets, and it is a disadvantage to start late. Even if you try harder, you just pick up some of the wreckage, where are you still living? If you want to find an entry point for starting a business, The smartest move is to create new rules for new trends. Is it not the most obvious example for WeChat to lose mobile phones? Your advantage is unattainable. It’s okay. I change the gameplay and change the rules. In a whole new field, it will instantly be on an equal footing with you.
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