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传统的章末复习课存在很多弊端,有“填鸭式”教学,有“题海式”教学,有“炒冷饭”教学等等。这些章末复习课没有明确的教学目标,很难达到复习课的效果,在这类复习课上,学生只能被动接受,毫无新意,容易让学生产生厌学情绪。鉴于此类章末复习课存在的问题,应该如何提高章末复习课的有效性已经是摆在教师面前的一个重要课题了。而提高章末复习课的有效性关键是要改变复习课的教学模式,在实际的教学中,采用“一章一例”的教学模式可以提升章末复习课的效率。 There are many shortcomings of the traditional chapter review class, there are “spoon-feeding ” teaching, there is “question sea ” teaching, “fried rice ” teaching and so on. There is no clear teaching goal for these review classes at the end of the chapter, and it is very difficult to achieve the effect of the review classes. In such review classes, the students can only passively accept and have no new ideas, making it easy for students to become tired of learning. In view of the problems of the reviewing class at the end of this chapter, how to improve the validity of the reviewing class at the end of the chapter is an important issue before the teacher. The key to improve the effectiveness of the last review is to change the teaching mode of the review class. In the actual teaching, the teaching mode of “one chapter, one case” can improve the efficiency of the chapter review class.