西班牙橡胶生产商雷普索尔公司和墨西哥Kuo集团已就修改并扩展其合资企业戴纳索弹性体公司(Dynasol Elastomers S.A)的经营方略达成协议,目标是使其成为全球合成橡胶市场十大厂商之一,专注于开发高性能轮胎行业使用的产品。不过,这项协议尚需得到监管机构的批准。自1999年以来,雷普索尔公司和Kuo集团一直是戴纳索的持股均等合资伙伴。该合资公司称其是世界上第二大改性沥青生产商和其它应用(如黏合剂、密封剂和技术组合物)的领军企业。目前,戴纳索在墨西哥阿尔
Spanish rubber producer Repsol and Mexican Kuo Group have reached an agreement to revise and expand the business strategy of its joint venture, Dynasol Elastomers SA, with the goal of making it one of the top 10 manufacturers of synthetic rubber in the world One, focused on developing products for use in the high-performance tire industry. However, this agreement still needs the approval of regulatory authorities. Repsol and Kuo Group have been Equities Equity Equity Joint Venture Partners since 1999. The joint venture claims it is the world’s second-largest producer of modified bitumen and a leader in other applications such as adhesives, sealants and technical compositions. Currently, Danauso Al in Mexico