由北京大学无线电系和北京电力试验研究所共同研制的CYJ-1型超声燃油流量计,经半年试用后,于1988年12月27日在京通过鉴定。 鉴定委员会由华北电管局、清华大学、中科院声学所、能源电力规划设计院、北京市计量测试研究所等15个单位的18名专家组成。 由于发电厂用燃油的粘滞性和脏污性,不适宜采用常规计量仪表,长期以来没有完善的计量手段。采用超声Doppler原理研制成功的超声燃油流量计,是非接触传感方式,它具有使用、安装、维修方便和节能等优点。所研制的流量传感器,信号检测及由单片微机组成的运算和显示系统方案先进,其技术性能与目前国际同类产品相当,价格仅为国外同类产品的l/6
CYJ-1 ultrasonic fuel flowmeter jointly developed by the radio department of Peking University and Beijing Electric Power Research Institute passed the appraisal in Beijing on December 27, 1988 after six months of trial use. Appraisal Committee by the North China Authority, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences Acoustics, Energy Power Planning and Design Institute, Beijing Institute of Metrology and other 15 units of 18 experts. Due to the viscosity and dirtiness of the fuel used in power plants, it is not appropriate to use conventional measuring instruments and there has been no comprehensive measurement means for a long time. Ultrasonic Doppler principle developed by ultrasonic fuel flow meter, is a non-contact sensing, it has the use, installation, maintenance and energy saving advantages. Developed by the flow sensor, signal detection and by a single computer computing and display system advanced program, and its technical performance comparable with the current international similar products, the price of similar foreign products only l / 6