采用《缺陷儿童人格诊断量表》 ,比较了上海市 5 6 3名分别在普通班随班就读与在辅读学校、普通学校辅读班学习的三类轻度智力落后儿童的人格特征。研究发现 ,三类儿童的人格特征有显著差异 ,在普通班随班就读的轻度智力落后儿童的人格发展落后于其他两类轻度智力落后儿童。此结果启示 ,应该关注随班就读的轻度智力落后儿童所受教育的质量。
Using the Defect Pediatric Personality Diagnostic Scale, we compared the personality traits of 536 mildly-retarded children who were enrolled in regular classes and those who studied in secondary schools and ordinary secondary schools in Shanghai. The study found that there was a significant difference in personality traits among the three types of children. The development of personality of the modestly mentally retarded children who attended regular classes lagged behind that of the other two types of children with mild mental retardation. This result suggests that we should pay attention to the quality of education of children with mental retardation who attend regular classes.