As with the laws of general scientific development, the understanding of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes has also gone through a long process. The concept of proto-oncogenes is derived from oncogenes, which were originally discovered by Rous in 1910 in retroviruses in the filtrate of chicken sarcoma (named Rous sarcoma virus according to Rous’s surname, RSV) and were not at the time. It is generally accepted. More than 50 years later, Martin and Duesderg confirmed the findings of Rous, respectively, and clarified the carcinogenicity of the retrovirus. The concept of oncogenes was proposed, but at this time it only stayed in the study of oncogenes. Afterwards, people isolated the retroviral enzymes from RSV (1975) and determined that the oncogenes present in retroviruses are actually derived from the cancer cells contained in normal cells.