The Study on the Implementation of Assessment for Learning in English Class of Senior High Schools

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  1.1 Background
  As we all known, assessment is vital to the education process. It is required in the High School English Curriculum Standard that formative assessment should be combined with summative assessment to assess students' English learning activities. However, actually in most senior high schools, the most visible assessments are summative assessments. Summative assessments are used to measure what students have learnt at the end of a unit, to promote students, to ensure they have met required standards or as a method for selecting students for entry into further education, most FL teachers in senior high schools of China tend to regard students’ marks of their tests and exams as the evaluation standard of students’ learning condition. That’s to say, teachers give little consideration to the process but the result of assessment in their daily education.
  Besides, after reforming of new curriculum in 2017, department of education points teachers should enhance the process of evaluation to develop students’ ability of self-evaluation and activate students’ motivation of learning through proper assessment. That’s to say, teachers should pay more attention to the assessing process and make students to be the center of assessment.
  Purpose and significance
  Based on this situation, the author wants to research about the implementation of assessment for learning in senior high schools’ teachers’ daily teaching. This kind of assessment is derived from formative assessment and it focused on the evaluation process. Through the research, the author can get a general impression to the current situation of teachers’ assessment for learning in senior high school. Then, the author can compare the researching result with the objectives required by our new curriculums and find out deficiency of the class assessment in senior high school and give suggestions according to the researching results.
  Literature Review
  2.1 Definition of assessment for learning
  The earliest use of the term Assessment for Learning appears to be a title of that chapter by Fuchs, L. S &Fuchs, D. (1986). However, the experts just used the term but never gave a brief definition of it.
  Assessment Reform Group (2002) pointed that assessment for Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for using by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. Besides, Black, P. & William, D( 2004) defined Assessment for Learning as "Assessment for Learning is any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to service the purpose of promoting students' learning".   From the definitions, the author finds that assessment for Learning (AfL) is synonymous with formative assessment. Ding Bangping (2008), the professor of Beijing normal university pointed that assessment for learning derived from the formative assessment. However, Black, P. & William, D (2003) said that AfL refers specifically to the collection of approaches and techniques associated with the practice of formative assessment. That’s to say, assessment for learning paid more attention to the specific strategies and techniques to students’ class evaluation. Also in this paper they think Assessment for Learning is equal to Formative Assessment.
  2.2 Theoretical Basis of Assessment for Learning
  In the paper J. G. Brooks & M. G. Brooks (1993) pointed that Constructivism Learning Theory emphasizes that learners' active leaning is very important for the acquiring of new knowledge and learners are the center of the learning process. This is just like what is in assessment for learning. Students are the center of the assessment. The teacher's tasks are to make students know from what aspects they should give assessment, offer help if students have problems during the assessment and give final comments to students' writings. And students' self-assessment and peer assessment are the key factors in this kind of assessment. Therefore, from the Constructivism Learning Theory, we can conclude that students should be the center of the assessment. Assessment for learning should pay attention to the assessing process and motivate students’ self-assessment and peer-assessment in class. Teacher should regard evaluation as the method to activate students’ learning but not just to test their learning situation.
  While the experiment achieved good results, the researchers also found some issues that need special attention during peer evaluation and self-evaluation. First of all, the students in the experimental class paid more attention to the errors in the language and content of the composition in the composition evaluation, and most of the concerns were focused on some surface errors, such as word spelling, personal tense, and subject-verb agreement. Finally, students of different levels have different attitudes and learning effects on peer evaluation and self-evaluation. Relatively speaking, students with higher level of performance are more active in teaching experiments. They are more in favor of using peer evaluation and self-evaluation, and can give more accurate feedback to classmates and their compositions. Be positive, but eager for guidance and help from teachers, and negative for low-level students.
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  作者简介:林珈亦(1995.02-),女 ,汉族 ,河南郑州人,西北农林科技大学园艺学院2017级硕士研究生
摘 要:小学这个阶段是学生识字的重要阶段,也是识字的主要阶段。任何科目的开展都是基于学生识字的基础上进行的,学生的日常生活也离不开识字。因此,教师必须要重视小学语文教学中的识字教学。在进行识字教学的过程中,需要完善阅读教学,以此更好的辅助学生识文断字,培养学生的阅读能力,以便更好的开展教学活动。基于此,文章就将探析识字教学和阅读教学的关系。  关键词:小学;语文教学;识字和阅读教学  识字教学是教
摘 要:随着新课改的推进,对小学音乐教学有了更高层次的要求。不仅要注重激发学生的学习兴趣,同时更要以生活化的方式让学生体验到学习的乐趣,并且积极主动的参与到其中。而在小学音乐教学中融入生活化教学模式,就能更好的让学生感知学习内容,意识到学习音乐的魅力,从而提升学习效果。对此本文简要阐述了小学音乐生活化教学的主要现状,并从几个方面对小学音乐教学中实施生活化模式的应用进行了分析,以供参考。  关键词:
摘 要:文章以高三一轮复习课“硫和硫的化合物”为例,从多个角度构建认知模型,提高复习效率,促进学生化学学科核心素养的发展。  关键词:元素化合物;认知模型;物质的类别与性质;价-类二维图;三重表征  “证据推理与模型认知”是2017 年版《普通高中化学课程标准》提出的高中化学学科核心素养之一,“模型认知”就是通过分析、推理等方法认识研究对象的本质特征、构成要素及其相互关系,建立认知模型,并能运用模
摘 要:“让学”指的是将教学的重心转移到学生上,让学生主动学习,且有创造性的学习,做学习的主人;“引思”指的是引导学生思考,其核心是为了改进学生的学习方式,培养学生的思维能力,引导学生完成对知识的自主构建和自觉迁移。这两者是一个统一的过程,相互依存,所以教师在让学引思的过程中要指导学生掌握适合的学习方法。  关键词:让学引思;小学数学;教学策略  引言:  小学数学是一门逻辑性较强的学科,需要学生
摘 要:伴随世界电子商务的迅猛发展,各国都已刮起数字经济的风潮,作为数字经济的领头羊,我国政府对其发展极其重视,跨境电商已经成为当前经济发展得重要形式。作为高校的外语教学,应顺应当前经济发展趋势,建立以需求为导向的人才培养机制,培养具备较高综合素质的复合型外语人才。本文将阐述改革经贸类外语,特别是小语种法语的经贸类课程对于跨境电商发展得重要性,并以现今人才需求为切入点,提出跨境电商背景下经贸法语的
摘 要:我国现代旅游处于不断发展中,法语从业人员的服务水平与跨服务交际息息相关。而提高旅游法语人际能力与跨越文化边界的交流能力非常重要。在高校之中对法语人才进行教学的过程中需要将法国文化融入其中,并能够将教学方法进行革新和改变,并与国际院校展开合作,能够将教学模式进行转变,并要求能够在教学過程中将学生的各项能力与专业素养进行提升,为旅游业的发展提供高素质、高水平的人才。  关键词:旅游;法语人才;
摘 要:词汇学习是法语语言学习的重要基础,然而传统的学习方法对于法语运用表达能力的提高具有局限性。语义场理论是法语词汇学研究的一项重要成果,为了让学生更好更准确地运用法语单词,本文试图以语义场理论为指导,以两个同义语义场为示范,解释构建法语语义场特别是同义语义场在语言学习中的应用方法。  关键词:法语词汇;同义语义场;法语学习;法语教学  在法语教学中,词汇作为语言的基本单位,是语言学习的基础。词
摘 要:随着新课改的推行,很多学科都进行了调整,初中英语阅读教学也发生了变革,大多数教师认为英语是与他人交流的工具,所以只是重视对语言单词的学习,忽视对学生英语阅读能力的培养。使得英语阅读的课堂效率变得低下,因此,教师应该从重视语言教学向重视培养学生英语素养转变,进而促进学生全面发展。  关键词:内容、语言、思维整合;初中英语;阅读教学;变革探究  引言:  英语阅读教学是以培养学生英语学科素养为
摘 要:初中代数是初中阶段学习科目中极为重要的一门课程,确切地说初中代数学习状况的好坏,会对学生初中时期各学科学习成效产生直接影响。基于此,如何优化初中代数教学策略,成为初中数学教师值得探究的课题。本文结合实践教学经验,对初中代数教学的现状做出分析并提出三项优化策略,希望能够帮助初中数学教师提升代数教学质量,为学生代数学习打下坚实基础。  关键词:初中代数;代数教学;优化策略  前言  初中代数教
摘 要:随着时代和社会的快速更迭,信息传播的方式也发生了很大变化,如今的世界已经进入了信息时代,计算机技术的发展也是人们十分关注的问题,未来社会必定会对人才的计算思维有更高的要求,高中信息技术教师应认识到自身肩上的重任,在高中信息技术教学实践中融入对学生计算思维的培育,引导学生成为满足国家和社会未来发展所需要的人才。  关键词:高中;信息技术教学;计算思维  随着科技不断进步和计算机技术的飞快发展