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随着银发浪潮在全球范围逐渐铺展开来,全球正义成为老年权利保障的普遍价值基础。基于主客体统一论的老年权利保障的具体要求是老者为尊、弱者优先。老者为尊指尊重老年人的社会主体性,并最大限度地发挥其社会价值。弱者优先指社会财富再分配的杠杆应向老年弱势人群适度倾斜。发展程度不同的国家将老年社会关怀由本国辐射到他国以至全球,逐步提高全球老年人口生存质量,最大限度地消除国际老年贫困现象,推进全球代际正义,是国际善政的宗旨。 As the wave of silver hair gradually spreads around the world, global justice has become the universal value basis for the protection of the rights of the elderly. The specific requirements of the old-age rights protection based on the unity of the subject and the object are that the elder is the honored person and the weaker is the priority. The elder respect means to respect the social subjectivity of the elderly and to maximize their social value. Weak persons give priority to the redistribution of social wealth, the leverage should be moderately inclined to the elderly vulnerable people. Countries with different levels of development aim to promote the social care of the elderly from their own countries to other countries as well as the rest of the world, and gradually improve the quality of life of the global elderly, eliminate the international phenomenon of old age to the maximum extent and promote global intergenerational justice.
在医学论文英文摘要中,be done是使用率较高的一类句式。选择医学论文英文摘要建立英文纯文本语料库,使用Python程序设计语言和自然语言处理工具(NLTK),对医学论文英文摘要中be
<正> 在硅片的制造工序中,通常要进行切割、研磨、抛光等加工,因此在硅片表面将形成畸变层。此加工畸变层对制成的器件之特性有很大的影响,这将成为元件制造中产生晶体缺陷的
记者从韩国电子信息通信产业振兴会(KEA)2009年8月18日举办的“KES 2009韩国电子展北京推介会”上了解到,第40届(2009)韩国电子展将于2009年10月13日至10月16日在首尔KINTEX(韩国国