本文是关于美国应用卫星帐户的文章。通过介绍这些应用成果,作者希望能帮助读者进一步加深对国民经济核算的认识,更加灵活地应用该体系于现实社会经济分析。 一、什么是卫星帐户 这要从国民经济核算体系的组成及其所遵循的基本核算概念和原则谈起。 一谈起国民经济核算体系,
This article is about the U.S. application of satellite accounts. By introducing the results of these applications, the author hopes to help readers further deepen their understanding of national economic accounting and apply the system more flexibly to the actual socio-economic analysis. First, what is a satellite account? From the composition of the national economic accounting system and the basic accounting concepts and principles it follows. Talking about the national economic accounting system,