音乐剧《西贡小姐》一共才两幕。第一幕剧情是讲:1975年4月,由美国扶持的南越傀儡政权,在越南人民英雄军强大的攻势下节节败退,南越的首都西贡也汲汲可危,美国政府知李承晚无药可救,决定不久从西贡撤出自己的军队,拔出泥潭。在这样局势非常紧张和日子里,驻守在西贡的美军只有选择醉生梦死、泡酒吧、逛妓院,来排解心中的烦恼与忧愁。 一家叫“梦境夜总会”的娱乐场里,这天正举办
The musical “Miss Saigon” altogether only two scenes. The first act of the Plot is to say: In April 1975, the South Vietnamese puppet regime backed by the United States escalated with the powerful offensive of the Vietnamese people’s heroes and the capital of South Vietnam was also dilapidated. The United States Government learned that Syngman Rhee had no medicine Can be saved, decided soon withdraw from Saigon own army, pull out the quagmire. In this very tense situation, the U.S. troops stationed in Saigon can only solve the worries and griefs in their minds by choosing to drowse, soak up their bars and go to the brothels. A family called “Dream Nightclub” casino, this day is being held