
来源 :环境与职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cupcome
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[目的]分析单晶硅生产企业工艺特点和职业病危害关键控制点,提出相应的防护对策。[方法]以浙江省某单晶硅生产企业为研究对象,分析其工艺特点,掌握可能接触职业危害的作业点,对现场开展职业卫生学调查,并对职业危害因素水平进行检测,依据国家职业卫生标准进行评判。[结果]该单晶硅生产企业化学品清洗、拉晶、单晶硅棒及单晶硅片加工、废水及废气处理等生产工段是职业危害控制的关键点。在采取相应的防毒防尘等防护措施条件下,危害岗位的职业病危害浓度及强度均能得到有效控制。但发现企业内超声水洗岗位未采取局部通风措施,酸液配制未单独设间,化学品库无事故通风、冲洗和排水设施。企业的应急救援设施有待进一步完善,没有组织员工进行相应的职业健康检查,未建立职业健康监护档案。[结论]单晶硅生产企业要重视氢氟酸的储存、酸(碱)液配制和使用岗位、超声水洗等岗位的职业危害控制,以有效预防化学性皮肤灼伤和急性化学物中毒的发生。要加强职业卫生管理,特别应健全突发事件的应急预案,完善应急设施,提高员工的应急反应和处置能力。 [Objective] To analyze the technological characteristics and critical control points of occupational hazards of single crystal silicon manufacturing enterprises and put forward corresponding countermeasures. [Method] With a monocrystalline silicon production enterprise in Zhejiang Province as the research object, the characteristics of the process were analyzed, the operation points that may be exposed to occupational hazards were grasped, the occupational hygiene investigation was carried out on site, and the level of occupational hazards was tested. According to the national occupation Health standards for evaluation. [Result] The production stages of chemical cleaning, crystal pulling, monocrystalline silicon rods and monocrystalline silicon wafers, waste water and waste gas treatment of this single crystal silicon manufacturer were the key points of occupational hazards control. Under the protection measures such as anti-virus and dust protection, the concentration and strength of occupational hazards endangering the post can be effectively controlled. However, it was found that local enterprises did not take ultrasonic cleaning station ventilation, acid preparation is not set up alone, chemical storage without accident ventilation, flushing and drainage facilities. Emergency rescue facilities for enterprises to be further improved, there is no organization of staff to carry out the corresponding occupational health checks, no occupational health monitoring files. [Conclusion] Monocrystalline silicon production enterprises should pay attention to occupational hazards control of hydrofluoric acid storage, preparation of acid (alkali) solution and use of jobs, ultrasonic washing and other posts to effectively prevent chemical skin burns and acute chemical poisoning. To strengthen occupational health management, in particular, should improve the contingency plans for emergencies, improve emergency facilities and improve staff’s emergency response and disposal capabilities.
患者,女,21岁.反复发作心动过速2年.体表心电图为窦性心律,发作时呈窄QRS型心动过速,心率180~214次/min.电生理检查结果:心房起搏呈递减传导,文氏点为330 ms,2∶1点为300 ms;