脾错构瘤的CT表现(附1例报告及文献复习)上海医科大学附属中山医院放射科徐海东,周康荣脾错构瘤为一罕见良性肿瘤,国外文献上仅有几十例报道 ̄[1-8]。常为体检或脾切除时偶而发现。本文报道一例有B超及CT资料,经手术病理证实,甚为特殊。并复习文献,提高...
CT features of splenic hamartoma (1 case report and literature review) Department of Radiology, Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai Medical University Xu Haidong, Zhou Kangrong Spleen hamartoma is a rare benign tumor, only dozens of reports in foreign literature ̄[1- 8]. Often found during physical examination or splenectomy. This article reported a case of B-ultrasound and CT data, confirmed by pathology, is very special. And review the literature to improve...