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  In Search of a Tomb
  My life story, if summarized succinctly, has related closely with the traditional Chinese medicine. Where I worked till retirement is the Hu’s Qingyu House, the largest TCM pharmacy in Hangzhou. My jobs there varied over years. My work experience there enabled me to admire Hu Xueyan (1823-1885), the founder of the Qingyu House and the pharmaceutical king of the southern Yangtze River Delta.
  My knowledge of Hu accumulated when I joined a taskforce to write the history of the house. The objects at the house left over from the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) opened my eyes to the history though I was by no means an academic historian and my professional training was largely in the TCM drugs.
  During the researches over decades, I interviewed more than 30 descendents of Hu Xueyan and two historians, and visited Hu’s home village in Jixi, Anhui Province and sorted out the posterity of over 300 of the Hu clan both at home and abroad. On the basis of my researches, I wrote some research results about Hu and got them printed in Zhejiang Daily and Hangzhou Daily. The written archive I produced on the pharmaceutical king adds up to more than 100,000 characters.
  The most unforgettable moment of my researches on Hu Xueyan occurred when I found the lost tomb of Hu Xueyan.
  When I got to know the life story of Hu through researches, one disconcerting question about the businessman remained unsolved. Where was he buried? The mystery was there for a reason.
  After the incredible grandeur and glory of a business career, the man came down in the world and died in poverty. Though there were rumors that Hu killed himself with an overdose of opium, his great grandsons Hu Yaguang and Hu Wenzheng told me a different story, saying their great grandfather died of illness. In order to keep himself safe from possible intrusion of his foes, it was rumored, Hu was buried secretly. Even his descendents could not tell me exactly where their ancestor was buried.
  My search for the tomb began.
  The records of the descendents of the Hu family showed that the family had bought a graveyard in a suburb of Hangzhou. It was located in a place named Huangniwu (Yellow Soil Valley). Local villagers confirmed the existence of the graveyard. I was told that there used to be a huge guard house on the burial ground, including a stone memorial archway and a stone pavilion. But after more than a century, I saw no trace of any building there, let alone the archway and pavilion. The mounds there were thickly covered by weeds. I dug here and there and found a few fragments of a tombstone. A carved word suggested that a grandson of Hu Xueyan might have had something to do with the graveyard. I was told that the tomb had been robbed in 1962 and the robber was sentenced to jail for three years, but he did not survive the sentence.
  The clue was encouraging. I visited the West Lake District Court. After going through the archive of old cases and reading a report filed on February 23, 1962 by Hu Weiqing, a grandson of Hu Xueyan, I found that Hu Xueyan’s parents were buried there. It made sense. In the heyday of Hu’s life, his parents received honorary titles by imperial mandate. Naturally the tomb with some valuable funerary objects would attract tomb robbers.
  Another clue turned up from my further textual research. Someone reported that Hu Xueyan was buried in Qijia Ridge near Dragon Well. The guess was based on the characters carved on a fallen huge tombstone with its face down on the ground. Some had recognized the characters by touching them with his hand from down under. I hurried to the ridge and saw a tombstone in a bamboo grove. But the fallen tombstone made it impossible to read the epitaph. On my second visit to the ridge, I was told that someone had turned the tombstone over with a block and tackle. After removing the dirt from the stone, I was able to conclude that Hu Xueyan’s grandparents were buried there.
  I was not disheartened by my failures. One day I suddenly remembered hearing of a tomb robber who had touched almost all the celebrities?tombs around the West Lake. The pro had died in prison, but his wife was still alive and lived in Liuxia Town. I went all the way to visit the old woman, but she refused to tell me anything. A few days later, I visited her again and explained earnestly why I wanted to find the tomb of Hu Xueyan. This time she said briefly: “Take a look around Sixiang”The short remark rekindled my hope. It was 1992, and I was 66 years old that year. I invited Hu Wenzheng and Hu Wenying, two great grandsons of Hu Xueyan, to search for the tomb in Sixiang (Today’s Zhongcun). Hu Wenzheng said that he visited the tomb with his father at age 10. But more than six decades had passed and he didn’t remember where the tomb was located exactly, but he had a faint memory that it was somewhere in the western suburb of Hangzhou.
  On April 26, we came to the Egret Ridge only to find a few farmers processing tea leaves there. I asked them to be our guide, but they turned down the request unanimously. While chatting with them, I found why they were reluctant to give us directions. A few years back, a farmer, who had been on a night shift on the tea processing farm, heard a female ghost weeping forlornly at midnight. He was so scared that later he refused to take any night shift any more. I didn’t believe a bit of the ghost part of the story, but it reminded me of the hearsay about Hu’s concubines. After the bankruptcy struck, many concubines left him. One concubine, however, stayed with him to the very end and hanged herself on the day of Hu’s death. The concubine was buried together with Hu.
  Without a guide, the two brothers and I started searching. The path was strewn with stones and covered by rampant weeds. We spotted a robbed tomb, two black cavities peeping vacantly at us and a huge stone lying across the holes. Was the stone part of the tombstone? Hired helpers turned the stone over. It was indeed the remaining part of a tombstone. The remaining part measured 120 cm long, 70 cm wide and 60 cm thick and had 34 characters, which later turned out to be a perfect match with the record in the clan pedigree, except for the missing characters. The epitaph bore the name of Hu Xueyan and his glories. At this very moment, the two brothers were overcome partly with sorrow and partly with joy. I felt all kinds of feelings well up in my heart.
  I made arrangements to get the broken tombstone back to the Qingyu House. But the management of that time was not interested. The stone was dismissed to a warehouse and later it was shattered to pieces and used in groundwork by construction workers. It was not until the pharmacy was taken over by the China Qing Chun Bao Group that there came a turning point. CEO Feng Gensheng said at a workers?assembly that we should never forget the founder of the Qingyu House.The Qingming Festival in 1997 saw the tomb rebuilt at the original site on the Egret Ridge.
  (Translated by David)
面对张静初才发现,女人还有一种美丽叫从容,一种恬淡的从容。  去年第一次采访时,正值《孔雀》得奖归来,作为女主角的张静初一夜走红,几乎每天都能在各种媒体上看到她的新闻。但当我给她手机发了一条要求采访的短信,几乎是立刻接到了她的电话,她说她正在云南拍《芳香之旅》,现在正好有空,要不现在就开始吧。没有一丝的故作矜持和矫情,电话中的张静初淡淡的、静静的,不张扬,不做作,言语中透着坦然、冷静、谨慎,当她常
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在浙江诸暨绵绵群山中,有着广达3万多亩的一片香榧林,其中香榧古树群126个,千年以上的榧树2700多株,盛产榧树达15万株,平均年产香榧50万公斤左右,占全国香榧总产量的60%以上,被国家命名为“中国香榧之乡”。  走进诸暨香榧盛产地之一的钟家岭村仙坪山,只见山头云雾缭绕,满山满坡生长着近千株百年以上的古树,雄树的粗壮枝干以各种姿态伸向蓝天,雌树却“披发”下垂。这里的香榧古树群落在几百年的生长过程
安妮宝贝的长篇小说《莲花》,首印量50万册,天价稿费200万元,曾经被媒体报道得沸沸扬扬。  我特意去书店跑了一趟。《文化交流》一位资深编辑向我推介《莲花》,并告诉我作者安妮宝贝是你们宁波人。  这样,一本《莲花》就摆在我的面前了:装帧是如此的素洁,浅白的封面上仅仅莲花两字。  翻开阅读,简单的故事结构中蕴含着人生之旅的探索,这是一本内涵深刻的书。与作品热销相映衬的是安妮的低调。她隐匿,很少接受媒
他2岁就识2000多个汉字,3岁开始学拉小提琴,5岁参加北京市少年儿童小提琴比赛获亚军,11岁赴波兰参加第五届维尼亚夫斯基国际青年小提琴比赛,赢得少年组冠军,并获得“天才神童”称号。1996年他赴美国朱丽娅音乐学院学习,后来又进入辛辛那提大学音乐学院。如今,已过弱冠之年的李传韵成了享誉世界的一流小提琴演奏家。  最近,这位一流演奏家在全美举办个人独奏音乐会巡回演出,他从圣地亚哥、洛杉矶到纽约、华盛