目前,许多农民朋友对水产养殖形势认识不清,对市场估计不准,不知水产养殖业向何处发展,鉴此发表几点看法,供参考。 一、河南水产业形势 2001年我省水产品总产量达31.5万吨,2002年又有增长,相对东南部省份,我们相差甚远。但由于消费习惯不同,我省水产品需求量较小,市场呈现出饱和状态,很多水产品不得不外销,这样对于水产养殖相对分散的偏远农村极为不利,信息和交通不畅限制了水产品的流通,制约了水产业的发展。
At present, many peasants and friends have no clear idea of the aquaculture situation and are not sure about the market. I do not know where the aquaculture industry is going. In the light of this, I would like to make a few comments. I. Situation of Henan Aquatic Industry In 2001, the total output of aquatic products in our province reached 315,000 tons. In 2002, there was another increase. Compared with the southeastern provinces, we have a long way to go. However, due to different spending habits, the demand for aquatic products in our province is small and the market is saturated. Many aquatic products have to be exported, which is extremely unfavorable to the remote rural areas where aquaculture is relatively scattered. The limited information and transportation restrict aquatic products Circulation, restricting the development of aquaculture.