Interpretation of Julie’s Image as“the One”in Flipped

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  Abstract:Flipped is one of the masterpieces of Wendelin Van Draanen,the famous America children literature writer.The novel is about a funny school story of teenager boys and girls flipped each other as well as mutual resistance.In this novel,the heroine Julie showed the awareness of woman’s self? identity.Julie is a perfect girl with character of brave,independent,self esteem and self respect.This thesis interprets Julie’s image as “the one” under the theory of “feminism”.Feminism refers to the female seeking for their specific social and cultural identity as the dominator in their life.This paper aims at enlightening woman from all over the world to chase their self identity and equality as the man.
  Key words:Julie;Flipped;feminism;“the One”
  Interpretation of Julie’s Image as “the One” in Flipped
  Thesis Statement:The paper analyze Julie’s image as “the One” through the theory of “feminism” and aims at enlightening the woman’s on self identity.
  II.Julie’s Perfection in Flipped
  III.The Reasons for Julie’s Image as “the One”
  Interpretation of Julie’s Image as“the One”in Flipped
  Flipped is one of the masterpieces of Wendelin Van Draanen,the famous America children literature writer.The novel is about a funny school story of teenager boys and girls flipped each other as well as mutual resistance.In this story,the heroine Julie showed the awareness of woman’s self? identity.
  This paper takes the heroine Julie as the research object to analyze her perfection and reason of Julie’s image as “the One” by taking the theory
  of “feminism”.The thesis is composed of four parts.Part one is a general introduction to the author and social background of this novel.Part two analyzes Julie’s perfection in her characteristics of personalities.Part three explains ??the reason from family value,for Julie’s image as “the one”.The last part concludes that Julie’s image as “the one” is caused by her family value and social culture.This paper aims at enlightening woman from all over the world to chase their self identity and equality as the man.
  II.Julie’s Perfection in Flipped
  Julie is a brave and obstinate girl.She has an awareness of revolt.One time,Julie climbed a sycamore tree to take the kite for Bryce in community.She found the higher she climbed,the more gorgeous view she can see.At that moment,she fell in love with the place where she can see the different scene from the tree.After that time,Julie often came to climb the tree when she felt in a bad mood.However,when she heard about the owner of the tree will cut it down,she stayed up the tree for a whole day to protect her sycamore tree.The local newspaper reported her splendid deeds.When Bryce’s granddad noticed the big news,he really appreciated Julie’s braveness.He thought Julie was a very special girl.Unluckily,the sycamore tree was cut down.Julie was so depressed.Julie’s farther knew the sycamore tree has different meaning to his daughter.Therefore he painted a sycamore tree for Julie.   Ⅲ.The Reason for Julie’s Image as “the One”
  Julie’s good traits are basically affected by her father’s character of hardworking and responsibility.In this story,Julie’s father is a representative of America father.His love to Julie is deep and heavy.Julie’s father was a painter and he didn’t have a stable job.Julie had a disabled uncle called David.Her father worked so hard in order to give Uncle David a better private sanatorium.This kind of responsibility of brothers deeply impacted Julie.Father’s behaviors made Julie know that family affection was a huge wealth.She understood that people could have a chance to choose life,but people must know the things that they insist on all the time.When he saw Julie’s favorite sycamore tree was cut down,he drew the sycamore tree for his daughter to protect the beauty in her heart.
  This thesis interprets Julie’s image as “the one” under the theory of “feminism” with two main parts.The paper aims at enlightening woman from all over the world to chase their self identity value equally as the man,and it appeals to woman struggling for equality,independence and appropriate values of love.
  [1] Flipped Wendelin Van Draanen Crown Books for Young Read 2002
  [2] Feminism Jane Friedman Open University Press 2001
  [3] The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir H.M.Parshley譯 Vintage 1989
  [4] The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan W.W.Norton&Company 2001
  [5] 女性主义视野下《怦然心动》中朱莉形象分析 樊晓燕 摘自《评说作家与作品》
  [6] 悄然而至--《怦然心动》剧情人物分析 李珂 摘自《影视观察》
  [7] 解读《怦然心动》中的女性意识解读 樊晓燕 摘自《环球纵横 电影文学》 2014年第三期
  [8] 《女性的崛起:当代美国女权运动》 王政 著 当代中国出版社
  [9] 《美国第二次女权运动研究》 周晓燕 著
  [10] 《国际妇女运动》 李小江主编 河南人民出版社 1991
  (作者单位:西南财经大学中国西部经济研究中心 四川成都)
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