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   Chile’s Bid to Save Energy: Men, Take off Your Ties1
  It’s the Chilean government’s latest slogan2: Welcome to Chile, take off your tie.
  But it’s not an invitation to sit down and relax—it’s a call3 to save energy.
  As the summer kicks off in the southern hemisphere, Chile’s energy ministry launched the campaign,4 “In summer, take off your tie” in an effort to save $10 million in four months. The thinking goes something like this: If buildings use less air conditioning—letting temperatures rise between one and three degrees Celsius5—energy costs could go down by over three percent, representing million-dollar savings.
  “This small measure will help the country’s energy efficiency. Reducing the use of air conditioning will lead to energy savings,” energy minister Rodrigo Alvarez said in a statement.
  The older generation might balk6. A suit without a tie? How unfinished! But in men’s fashion circles across the world, ideas for summer suits without ties abound7. And in many parts of Latin America, forget the tie. In fact, forget the suit altogether. Men in tropical climes have long opted for the practical and elegant shirt instead.8
  Chile’s authorities point out that they are taking a cue from Japan and Spain, where earlier no-tie initiatives were tried as energysaving measures.9
  1. Chile: 智利(南美洲国家);bid:(为争取某物而作出的)努力。
  2. slogan: 标语,口号。
  3. call: 号召,召唤。
  4. kick off: 开始;hemisphere: 地球的半球;campaign:(为取得某种结果而进行的政治、商业或社会性的)运动,活动。
  5. Celsius: 摄氏温度。
  6. balk: 畏缩不前,犹豫。
  7. abound: 大量存在。
  8. tropical: 热带的;opt: 选择;practical: 实用的。
  9. take a cue from sb.: 学某人的样;initiative: 主动的行动,倡议。
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摘 要:本课例基于诊断测评结果,以教—学—评一致性的理念为指导,将诊断测评的反馈与课堂教学有机融合,围绕主题语境,依托语篇设计注重拓展和加深词汇广度和词汇深度并重的教学活动,有针对性地达成了提升学生测评反馈弱项的教学目标。  关键词:教—学—评一致性;英语词汇教学;词汇广度;词汇深度  *本文系“中国基础教育外语测评研究基金”第二期协同课题“高中英语教师测评素养发展与提升途径研究—以成都为例”(编
● 塑料情  “塑料情”也称“塑料友谊”。此词源于2017年3月关于新加坡组合BY2的采访视频,作为双胞胎姐妹的二人互损互怼,暗流涌动,被网友们吐槽为“虚假的姐妹情谊”“塑料花姐妹情”。塑料花虽然看上去很美,永不凋谢,有的甚至可以乱真,但它毕竟是假的,没有香味,更没有灵魂。“塑料情”在女性当中较为常见,故有“塑料花姐妹情”“塑料姐妹”“塑料闺蜜”等说法。看起来亲密无间的两个人,可能很多时候心口不一
Not a red rose or a satin heart.1  I give you an onion.  It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.  It promises light  like the careful undressing of love.2  Here.  It will blind you with tears  like a lov
“Lemonade2! Who wants to buy some Lemonade! Fresh Cool Lemonade for sale!”  Our voices were as loud as we dared shout while sitting curbside in the quiet neighborhood in the Los Angeles, California su