The clinical importance of anaerobic infections is becoming more and more important. Finegold and Levison report that two thirds of anaerobic bacteria are present in bacterial infections. According to Anderson and Dion statistics, one-third to one-half of incisional wound infections and two-thirds of intra-abdominal abscesses are caused by anaerobic bacteria. In the peritoneal incision, abdominal pus, abdominal wounds, the positive rate of anaerobic culture can be as high as 80%. It is generally accepted that, in clinically common infections, in fact, many of them are mixed infections of anaerobic bacteria and aerobic bacteria (or facultative anaerobes). Some anaerobic bacteria play a leading role. At present, the research work on anaerobic bacteria has just begun. The labs in general hospitals are still not capable of culturing anaerobes correctly. Therefore, many clinicians lack the necessary knowledge about it. Some clinical symptoms are very similar to bacterial infections, but routine bacterial culture negative, with the usual antibiotic treatment and invalid cases, most likely anaerobic