中药在我国中医药学宝库中是一个品类众多、资源丰富的珍宝。在中药药理学研究方面做出了很大成绩。现仅就近年来我国中药药理学研究的一些进展,作一简要介绍。 一、中药化学成分的研究 近年来,对已研究多年的一些化学成分进行了作用机制的研究。如:发现延胡索乙素(四氢巴马汀,tetrahydropalmatine)具有类似利血平的排空单胺类(DA,NA和5-HT)的作用,只是作用时间较短,并对肾上腺的肾上腺素无影
Traditional Chinese medicine is a jewel with many categories and rich resources in the treasure house of Chinese traditional medicine. In the pharmacology of Chinese medicine has made great achievements. Only a brief introduction is given on the progress of the pharmacological research of Chinese medicine in recent years. First, the study of chemical constituents of traditional Chinese medicine In recent years, some chemical constituents that have been studied for many years have been studied for the mechanism of action. For example, it was found that tetrahydropalmatine has the effect of reserpine-like emptying monoamines (DA, NA, and 5-HT), but only for a short period of time, and adrenaline adrenaline Without shadow