应用乌鲁木齐市牧业气象试验站2004-2009年的气象和牧草资料,对位于天山北坡中山带的5种天然牧草生长发育和气象条件进行了分析。结果表明,牧草平均返青期在4月15日,豆科牧草开花期、枯黄期比其他牧草早6~20 d;牧草产量和高度变化在整个生育期间呈单峰曲线;几种牧草对总产量的贡献率大小顺序为:老芒麦>早熟禾>草原老鹳草>黄芪>千叶蓍;牧草返青至抽穗期日平均气温在8~18℃,降水量达到或超过160 mm的年份牧草长势良好;返青到抽穗期是牧草生长需水关键期;出苗后牧草生长对温度条件的要求越来越高,尤其是抽穗到成熟期间,需要日平均气温在15℃以上。日平均气温≥15℃的持续天数长短对牧草产量的影响非常明显。
Based on the meteorological data and pasture data of the animal husbandry meteorological experimental station in Urumqi from 2004 to 2009, the growth and meteorological conditions of five natural forages in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains were analyzed. The results showed that on the 15th of April, the average turning green period of forage was 6-20 days earlier than other forage in flowering stage and yellowing stage of forage legum. The yield and height change of forage showed single peak curve during the whole growth period. The order of the contribution rate was: Emerald sativa> Poa pratensis> Steppe Geranium> Astragalus> Achillea forages; forage grass returning to greening to heading date average annual temperature of 8 ~ 18 ℃, precipitation reached 160 mm or more years of pasture good growth ; Returning to the heading stage is the key period of water requirement for pasture growth; the requirement of the pasture growth temperature is higher and higher after emergence, especially during heading to maturity, and the average daily temperature needs to be above 15 ℃. The effect of the daily average temperature ≥15 ℃ on the forage yield is very obvious.