葛根有多种功能和作用,临床应用范围较广。笔者常用葛根与其它药物配伍治疗多种疾病,获效满意。现略述如下: 一、葛根配柴胡解肌退热外感风寒,寒邪束表,久郁化热,症见恶寒轻,发热重,头痛肢酸,目干鼻干,心烦不眠,目眶疼痛,舌质淡红,苔薄黄,脉浮数等,可用葛根与柴胡配伍以达解肌清热之功。代表方为干葛解肌汤。方中以葛根、柴胡为主药,清热与解表兼顾,再辅以解表散寒,清泄里热之品,使寒热从表而解。余常将本法用于
Pueraria has a variety of functions and effects, a wide range of clinical applications. I used Pueraria in combination with other drugs to treat a variety of diseases and achieved satisfactory results. Are summarized as follows: First, Pueraria with Chai Hu Jie Mus fever fever exogenous cold, cold evil bundle table, long-Yu heat, Zheng Jian chilly, heavy fever, headache, limb acid, dry eyes and dry nose, upset and sleep, head Pain, pale tongue, thin yellow coating, floating pulse, etc., can be used Pueraria and Chaihu compatibility in order to achieve the power of muscle relaxation. The representative party is Ganjiejiejitang. In the square, Pu Gen and Bupleurum are the main medicines, taking into account both the heat and the solution, and supplementing the table with dispelling cold, clearing away the heat of the product, so that the cold and heat can be solved from the table. Yu Chang used this law