六十年代以前,在关于第二次世界大战起源的问题上,正统学派(The Orthodox School)在美英史学界占着统治地位。他们虽然对张伯伦绥靖政策的评价有分歧,但都把二次大战的起因完全归之于希特勒。五十年代初,正统学派的观点曾受到过小小的挑战,但是这种挑战并没有从总体上否定正统观点,因而不足以动摇其统治地位。
Before the 1960s, on the issue of the origin of World War II, the Orthodox School dominated the American and British historians. Although they disagreed with Chamberlain’s appeasement policy, they entirely attributed the cause of World War II to Hitler. In the early 1950s, Orthodoxy had suffered little challenges, but the challenge did not generally deny orthodoxy and was not enough to undermine its dominance.