乍看题目,您也许感到蹊跷:怎把这风马牛不相及的三样东西扯到一起了呢?其缘由是看了于芳茹女士写的关于旅游的文章后,想起了三个“动人”的故事,这对经常出差、旅游的人来说,看后也许会有益处.坎肩 去年我曾到西欧几个国家学习考察商品流通法制工作.到达奥地利首都维也纳的当天下午,代表团中的一位女士突然跑到隔壁的房间里问一男士:“周×,昨晚你看到我的裤子了吗?”周×听后丈二和尚摸不着头脑,玩笑地说:“啊呀呀,你丢了裤子跑到我的房间里来找,成和体统?这‘说不清道不明’的事儿,要让别人知道了,哪还了得?”
At first glance, you may find it strange: how do you get rid of these irrelevant things? The reason is that after reading the article on tourism written by Ms. Fang Fuli, I think of three “ Moving ”story, which often travel, travel, people may look after the benefit.Kan Shique last year, I went to several countries in Western Europe to study the flow of goods legal system work.At the afternoon of the Austrian capital Vienna, the delegation Suddenly went to a man next door to ask a man: “Week ×, did you see my pants last night yet?” Week × listen to Zhang two monk scratching his head and jokingly said: "ah ah you Lost pants went to my room to find, into and system? This ’can not tell the unknown’ thing, let others know, which are terrible?