我们是用竹竿把它捅下来的1959年10月7日,一个被永远载入世界防空史的日子。当天上午,一架 RB-57D 高空侦察机从台北起飞,凭借其高空优势越过沿途我歼击机的层层拦截,肆无忌惮地越徐州、过济南,向北京逼近。中午12时04分,北京郊区的秘密阵地上,3枚地空导弹拖着长长的火焰腾入长空。刚刚还逍遥自在的“RB-57D”顷刻粉身碎骨,驾机的国民党空军上尉王英钦当即毙命。
We stabbed it with a bamboo pole on October 7, 1959, a day that was forever loaded with the history of air defense in the world. In the morning, an RB-57D reconnaissance high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft took off from Taipei and, with its high altitude superiority, intercepted at every level of our fighter plane, desperately crossing Xuzhou and Jinan and approaching Beijing. At 12:04, in the secret position of Beijing's suburbs, three surface-to-air missiles dragged a long flame into the air. Just unhurried “RB-57D ” instantly framed, flew the KMT Air Force captain Wang Yingqin immediately killed.