在当前的国际学术界,马克思主义与当代科学论(Science Studies)之间的关系是一个较引人注目的焦点,这是科学论自身发展的一个必然结果。科学哲学中逻辑实证主义与社会建构主义的冲突使人们研究的角度走向了科学实践,从而使一种具有强烈历史感的科学观得以显现,也使不少学者从不同视角开始思考马克思主义的辩证法与实践观的价值。本文同时也指出这种基于科学实践观来研究马克思主义与科学论之间关系的文献还比较零碎,并提出了进行系统梳理与综合的几条途径。
In the current international academic community, the relationship between Marxism and contemporary science studies is a more prominent focus. This is a necessary consequence of the development of science itself. The conflict between logical positivism and social constructivism in philosophy of science has led people to take scientific researches into scientific practice so that a scientific view with a strong sense of history can be manifested. Many scholars also think about Marxist dialectics from different perspectives And the value of practice. This article also points out that this kind of literature based on scientific concept of practice to study the relationship between Marxism and science is still relatively fragmented and proposes several ways to systematically sort out and synthesize.