Rail longitudinal stress is a prominent issue in railway safety and maintenance. Daily and seasonal temperature changes cause high longitudinal stress (LRS) in seamless rails. In the event of excessive longitudinal tensile stresses in the rail, fatigue may occur on the rail insulation and other rail fasteners. When there is excessive longitudinal compressive stress, it may lead to inflation, which has become the focus of safety research in the railway industry. The purpose of this study is to provide railway companies with the ability to detect longitudinal rail stress wherever needed in order to take reasonable and effective preventive maintenance. Research currently being conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), supported by the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), focuses on the detection of rail longitudinal stresses using ultrasonic waves *. The relationship between ultrasonic velocity and stress in solids, also known as acousto-electric effect, is the basis of this study. Fundamental development work is carried out in the laboratory of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the so-called “site laboratory” with a short track. Measurement techniques developed in the laboratory are applied to the actual scene. Ultrasonic test data is currently being compared directly with the data measured by the stress modules mounted on the rails. * These latest technologies are conducive to the detection of rail longitudinal stress through the mobile platform.