地处方药(OTC)制度最早始于美国。随着人类的自我保健意识日益增强,自我治疗习惯逐渐大众化,发达国家和部分发展中国家已先后实行了OTC制度,划分处方药和非处方药已成为国际通用的药品分类管理办法。在我国“大病进医院,小病去药店”的用药趋势为OT C制度的实施
The prescription medicine (OTC) system was first started in the United States. With the increasing self-care awareness of mankind and the self-healing habit, the developed countries and some developing countries have successively implemented the OTC system. The division of prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs has become an internationally accepted drug classification management approach. In our country “seriously ill into the hospital, ailments to the pharmacy” medication trend for the implementation of OT C system