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美国在规划二战后的世界秩序时,面临着普遍安全机制与区域性集团的关系问题。1945年联合国制宪大会通过了以“集体自卫权”为核心的宪章第51条,为美国建立区域性集团开辟了道路。1947年美国与拉美国家签署《美洲国家互助条约》,建立了战后第一个美国领衔的以“集体自卫”为名义的区域性集团。参议员阿瑟·范登堡作为美国代表团的成员,参与了这些重大的外交活动,积极施加影响,为实现美国的政策目标发挥了重要的作用。 When planning the world order after World War II, the United States faces the issue of the relationship between universal security mechanisms and regional groups. In 1945, the United Nations Constitutional Assembly passed Article 51 of the Charter with the “Right of Collective Self-Defense” as its core, opening the way for the United States to establish regional groups. In 1947, the United States and Latin American countries signed the Treaty of Mutual Assistance in American States, establishing the first U.S.-led regional group headed by the United States in the name of “collective self-defense.” As a member of the U.S. delegation, Senator Arthur Vandenberg participated in these major diplomatic activities, actively exerted influence and played an important role in achieving the U.S. policy goals.
摘 要:曾经有位名人说过:“教学工作最重要的任务就是要以最高的效率来推动学生的一般发展,以最好的教学效果来达到最理想的发展水平。”现在,随着新课改的全面实施,在强调师生互动、倡导合作学习、重视学习兴趣以及主动学习、重视主题构建等策略的同时,教师更加关注的就是教学的有效程度,也就是如何实现有效、高效的教学。课程标准中提出,教学要以学生的发展为根本,指导学生选择合适的课程,制订学习计划目标,对于学生的